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Barriers to Access

With the adoption and increasing use of technology to teach and learn, a student with a disability can face many barriers to access, specifically access to instructional materials or resources such as video, audio, interactive resources, animations and/or simulations. Described below are a few examples of access challenges faced by those in typical online experiences, and some of the ways they are mitigated.

Blindness or Other Visual Impairments

Those who are blind and cannot interpret graphics (such as photographs, drawing and image maps) unless text alternatives are provided. Some learners may use a computer equipped with screen reader software and a speech synthesizer or a text-based web browser. Those who can see only a small portion of a web page at a time can use special software to enlarge screen images. Individuals who are colorblind cannot easily navigate when distinguishing between colors is required. Activity: Color Simulation - See what color blindness and cataract looks like.

Hearing Impairments

When resources include audio output without providing text captioning or transcription, a student who is deaf is denied are inaccessible to this student. He may also be unable to participate in a telephone or video conference without special accommodations. Activity: A simple hearing loss simulator. Activity: What hearing loss sounds like. Speech Impairments

A student with a speech impairment may not be able to effectively participate in interactive telephone conferences or video conferences. Chat features, discussion boards or email are valuable alternatives. Activity: A website with audio and video samples of Functional Voice Disorders. This is a clinical website but worth taking a look. Activity: Voice disorder simulator from the University of Wisconsin system

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